Tapahtumakoordinaattoriksi WFDF:lle?

wfdf_logo_v3_outlinesUltimate voi olla myös työ. Maailman liitokiekkojärjestö WFDF hakee tapahtumakoordinaattoria. Alla englanninkielinen työpaikkailmoitus.

WFDF Job posting – Event Coordinator

11 September 2013

The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) is seeking an Event Coordinator who will be responsible for organizing and managing all of WFDFs major sports events. The Event Coordinator will report to the WFDF Executive Committee and the WFDF Disc Sport Chairpersons and will be responsible for managing the major event bidding process, coordinating with the Tournament Organizing Committees (TOCs) during the organizational phase, acting as WFDF’s technical delegate during the event, developing and implementing a commercial policy around WFDF’s events, and improving the service level to TOCs and participants. Qualified candidates will have significant Ultimate tournament organizational experience, strong communication skills, business acumen and project management skills, and fluency in English. The role will initially be a part-time position (approximately 50%) structured as a consultancy but could be expanded to a full-time consultancy position if the incumbent is able to develop additional resources around WFDF events. Interested candidates should provide a detailed cover letter and their CV by no later than October 15, 2013 to the attention of Volker Bernardi, Executive Director, at ed@wfdf.org.

Very best regards,

Volker Bernardi

Executive Director
World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF)
Neckarstraße 11, D – 55296 Harxheim, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 6138 / 90 20 868
Fax: +49 (0) 6138 / 90 20 869
Mobile: +49 176 64 19 77 02
eMail: volker.bernardi@wfdf.org

Web: www.wfdf.org

About WFDF: The World Flying Disc Federation is the international sports federation responsible for world governance of flying disc (FrisbeeTM) sports, including Ultimate, Guts, and Individual Events. WFDF is a federation of member associations which represent flying disc sports and their athletes in more than 50 countries. WFDF is a member of SportAccord and the International World Games Association, and it is a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation in the state of Colorado, USA. The WFDF Executive Committee: President Robert L. ”Nob” Rauch, Secretary Thomas Griesbaum, Treasurer Sandie Hammerly.


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