EFDF hakee viittä edustajaa välimiesoikeuteen ratkaisemaan EFDF:n ja Israelin liitokiekkoliiton välisen kiistan

Elokuussa Ghentissä pelatuissa alle 20-vuotiaiden EM-kisoissa on noussut tilanne, jonka takia EFDF:n täytyy nimetä välimiesoikeus. Oikeuden osapuolina ovat EFDF itse sekä Israelin liitokiekkoliitto. Välimiesoikeutta vaativan tilanteen luonteen voi mahdollisesti saada selville EFDF:n omasta tiedotteesta, joka koskee Israelin joukkueiden poissulkemista kisoista.

Miten prosessi etenee?

Välimiesoikeudesta kiinnostuneet lähettävät hakemuksen omalla lajiliitolleen, joka nimeää yhden tai useamman virallisen ehdokkaan EFDF:lle. Suomen Liitokiekkoliitto ottaa hakemuksia vastaan keskiviikkoon 28. elokuuta asti. Hakemus lähetetään sähköpostilla osoitteeseen hallitus@liitokiekkoliitto.fi ja siihen tulee sisältää seuraavat asiat:

  • vapaa hakemusteksti
  • ansioluettelo
  • yhteystiedot (postiosoite ja sähköpostiosoite)
  • kaikki voimassa olevat jäsenyydet EFDF:n alaisiin lajiliittoihin

Hakijan tulee olla riippumaton kyseessä olevan tapauksen suhteen.

EFDF:n ylimääräinen jäsenkokous nimittää viisi (5) henkilöä välimiesoikeuteen 10. syyskuuta.

Alkuperäinen EFDF:n tiedote aiheesta

Call for Candidates for an EFDF Tribunal as an arbitrary body: EFDF calls for 5 candidates for an EFDF Tribunal as an arbitrary body

On the EYUC in Ghent in August 2024 a situation has arisen, that requires the appointment of an
arbitration tribunal. Therefore the EFDF calls for candidates to form the arbitration tribunal
consisting of 5 independent representatives according to the bylaws.” Parties of the arbitrary body
are EFDF itself and the Israeli Flying Disc Association. According to the bylaws members of the
tribunal must not be part of the body of the association that is involved in the conflict except the
members meeting.

The members of the tribunal will be appointed by the EFDF members at the next extraordinary
EFDF congress on 10 September 2024.

Application process:

Every National Member Federation of EFDF is allowed to suggest interested and suitable
candidates. The EFDF Tribunal will be chosen by the EFDF members meeting to decide on the
mentioned case.

The National Member Federations of the EFDF are asked to send an email to elections@efdf.org preferably before the 31 August 2024, with:

  • the proposed candidate
  • the application of the candidate (with full CV, Address and E-Mail-Address, all memberships of the candidate, and a statement that the candidate is independent with regard to the mentioned case)

Members of the EFDF Tribunal are expected to:

  • Confirm their impartiality in every matter dealt with
  • Participate at the EFDF Tribunal meetings, if required,
  • React to email correspondence within 3 working days,
  • Read all correspondence on the Tribunals` mailing list.

The tasks and framework conditions regarding the EFDF Tribunal derive from §13 of the EFDF

(1) If a conflict inside of the association occurs the EFDF Tribunal as an arbitrary body shall be appointed. It functions as an arbitration tribunal as in “Vereinsgesetz 2002” (Austria) and not as an arbitration court as in “§§577 ff ZPO (Austria).

(2) The EFDF tribunal is made of 5 independent representatives, elected by EFDF members. Members to the tribunal must not be part of the body of the association that is involved in the conflict except the members meeting.

(3) The EFDF tribunal shall arrange for a hearing of both sides to the conflict in a written, or in-person form, including online video conference, at the discretion of the tribunal and decide with simple majority in all conscience. The decision is final within the association. Further procedural guidelines of the tribunal will be regulated in the judicial rules which are approved by congress.

(4) Such disputes brought up to the EFDF Tribunal may include, but shall not be limited to, disputes regarding eligibility for membership, conflicts between EFDF and its members, eligibility for individual participants in Sanctioned Events, rulings with regard to European records, rulings involving antidoping violations, and rulings with regard to disciplinary issues concerning tournaments or events sanctioned by EFDF.

(5) No matter what the difference between the disputing parties, no case may be taken to a court of law and, as a condition of membership, EFDF shall require Members to renounce the right to take a dispute before a court of justice.

(6) EFDF will recognize and accept the decision of WFDF determined according to the procedures of the WFDF Conduct Policy, should the necessity of an appeal against an EFDF tribunal decision arise.


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